Dissemination activities of the project involve many different ones, such as blog posts, meetings, academic and non-academic conferences, and events. While some of those activities are already performed, others will follow in the upcoming weeks and months. Below some dissemination activities that have already taken place.
The University of Birmingham hosted the fourth Alternative Accounts Europe Conference on Friday, 7 January 2022. The Conference brought together scholars interested in interdisciplinary and critical perspectives on accounting in an inclusive and supportive forum.
In this conference, Ericka Costa, as one of the authors, presented the research paper titled “Accounting and circular economy as tools for Alpine collective ownership modernization”, co-authored with Armin Kratzer, Caterina Pesci, and Iris Burgia. The authors gathered some constructive feedback which further helped them to develop the study.
Blog posts
The project has been disseminated among others, in research blogs, where other scholars, but not only, could understand more about the SICO project and the developed metrics or also known as the SICO model.
There are two blog post currently in two well-known research blog outlets such as the European Accounting Association blog and the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research. For more details, see the links below.
On Monday, 14 November 2022, the final event for the presentation of the SICO model was held in the Council Chamber of the Spiazzo Rendena Town Hall. The event was attended by the heads of families and administrators of the Asuc of Borzago, Mortaso and Fisto, chaired by Massimo Ferrazza, as well as vice-president Daniele Adami and Elvio Bevilacqua of the provincial Association of Trentino Asuc. The municipal administrators of Spiazzo, Giustino, Pinzolo and councillor Vanessa Masè were also present. During the event, the SICO project was presented and the results of the research were disseminated.
Below the article published in the daily newspaper ‘Il T’, Friday, 18 November 2022.

An abstract of the article “Asuc Trentine, evaluation of social impact” published in the quarterly magazine “Economia Trentina” no. 3/2022 and the link to consult the magazine (article p. 8-13) follow.

On the 30th of June 2022, the team from the University of Trento met virtually with the president and other members of ASUC. In addition, in the meeting participated ASUC FISTO, which was the participating ASUC of the SICO project. In this meeting, it was discussed the organization of an event in Trentino territory with the aim to disseminate the results of the project with the different ASUCs and to make use of the metrics which help to measure the impact that ASUC have. The meeting ended up being fruitful for all the parties involved and the next steps discussed in the meeting regarding dissemination activities are to be implemented.
On the 22 February 2022, the team from the University of Trento met with ASUC FAIDA. During this meeting, it was discussed about the activities of ASUC FAIDA in the community. However, the aim of the meeting was to update ASUC FAIDA on the SICO model created by the three partners of the project. The SICO model helps to measure impact on five areas: institutional, social, environmental, communication, and economic. In this regard, ASUC FAIDA considered the model to better understand if it fits their needs and they provided some feedback which helped to finalize the model.
Below, a picture from our meeting, held in Faida, Italy.